Catholicism – Faith & Justice Wed, 25 May 2022 08:11:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Catholicism – 32 32 The issue of Catholic faith and gambling Mon, 16 May 2022 13:29:24 +0000 While gambling is not forbidden for the Catholic faithful, it is becoming increasingly difficult to justify during Pope Francis’ papacy.…

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While gambling is not forbidden for the Catholic faithful, it is becoming increasingly difficult to justify during Pope Francis’ papacy.

Bishops in Massachusetts came out against the expanded gambling plan in 2011. They claimed that it would encourage predatory practices that might fundamentally transform communities in the state.

However, the bishops recognized in the same statement that the Catholic Church did allow games of chance. Admittedly, the Church itself is a gambler, as evidenced by its well-publicized use of bingo games to supplement parish funds. Nowadays, it’s easy for people to gamble either on online casino platform such as or in physical establishment.

Gambling is discussed in the Catholic theology as part of a larger discussion of the Seventh Commandment, “Thou Shalt Not Steal.”

It states unequivocally that games of chance in and of themselves are not contradictory to morality. It does add a strong qualifier that gambling can become morally reprehensible however. This is in the instance of depriving someone of what is required to provide for his own and others’ needs.

When it comes to meeting the needs of others, Catholicism has a lot to say. The Catholic tradition of social thinking makes it plainly clear that the assets we have are not just ours, but are shared with others.

Pope Francis has repeatedly emphasized this idea. He has referenced Saint John Chrysostom, who said that not to share one’s goods with the poor is to steal them and deprive them of life. It is their goods that we have, not ours.

Money has long been a source of uncertainty for Catholics. On the one hand, the wealthy have had the same privileges in Catholicism as they have in any other religion. The wealthy have more access to power and influence, as well as easier access to annulments.

Poverty, on the other hand, is one of the most venerated virtues in the Catholic faith.

The virtues of the saints are often said to be discovered in their poverty. Poverty, along with chastity and obedience, is one of the vows that members of monastic organizations must take.

When it comes to public policy, Catholicism’s stance on casino gambling has typically been to make sure it doesn’t go too far.

The bishops of Pennsylvania took this stance when they addressed the issue of riverboat gambling.

The message was clear: you can gamble, but only if you’re careful. Do so with caution and within reasonable boundaries. This is the default Catholic viewpoint. Pope Francis has a strong stance on our responsibility to those in need. For that reason it’s difficult to see how gambling of any kind can be justified. Especially given that the money we casually wager is not ours alone.

Of course, at the heart of the Catholics and casino gambling debate is the question of how much Catholic ideals should be codified in civil law. The Massachusetts bishops have framed the gambling debate in terms of Catholic social teaching; but also as a broader context that considers the common interest of the state.

Given the complexity of the issues at hand and the varied constituencies of voters who will decide the gaming question, this is a prudent move. However, amid the ensuing difficult debate, it would be wise for the Catholic Church to reconsider what happens in the parish hall.

It’s a highly personal option for Catholic voters who want to reconcile the Pope’s advice with the sense of community and compassion they get from bingo.

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Catholic hospitals Thu, 28 Apr 2022 13:33:10 +0000 Catholic hospitals, like Catholic schools, are subsidized by tax monies. They are part of Canada’s universal health care system. Prior…

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Catholic hospitals, like Catholic schools, are subsidized by tax monies.

They are part of Canada’s universal health care system. Prior to the establishment of public health care in the 1950s and 1960s, religious groups may have paid for land and facilities for Catholic clinics. Today, however, Catholic hospitals receive the same funding as non-Catholic hospitals. This includes salaries, equipment, and energy costs. In addition, hospitals generate funds for extras such as additional wings and better equipment. Both Catholic and secular hospitals are supervised by the same provincial legislation. This requires them to report obligations, hiring standards, and other details. On religious grounds, these regulations allow faith-based hospitals to reject certain services.

Patients frequently wind up in a Catholic health care facility simply because it is the closest one. This is different to those who attend Catholic schools, which their parents chose for faith-based schooling. Many Canadians are unaware of which hospitals are Catholic and which are not. A patient who goes for an MRI or an appendectomy would have the same experience as if they went to any other publicly financed hospital. On the other hand, patients may be informed that they can’t have an abortion or have their tubes tied.

Patients are frequently redirected or transported to different institutions in these situations. This can lengthen the wait for the service they want and be inconvenient and painful for those who are sick. Patients are frequently unaware that they have been denied care because of restrictions stated in a 119-page Health Ethics Guide; a paper which restricts the procedures and treatments performed at Catholic-run facilities. However, healthcare personnel see how these rules harm patients on a regular basis.

How can hospitals be allowed to prohibit access on religious grounds in a society where everyone has access to health care?

They’re also raising these issues in a society that is significantly less religious than it was decades ago. It is a country that is far more accepting of reproductive health care and assisted death. The percentage of Canadians who say they have a religious affiliation has decreased from 90% in 1985 to 68% in 2019. The number of Catholics in Canada has decreased from almost half in the 1970s to just over a third today. Almost 80% of Canadians support abortion access, while over 90% approve of medical help in death.

Catholic hospitals have a long tradition of helping marginalized urban populations, and they accomplish a lot of good work. St. Michael’s Hospital was the first hospital in Canada to establish a research program focused on the connection between health and inequity in 1998. Its Centre for Urban Health Solutions is currently testing strategies to help people find permanent housing. One of the aims is to limit COVID-19 exposure in shelters and more.

There are however tensions between institutions and their workers.

Many doctors have to invent new ways to abide by the regulations.

Many have expressed their displeasure at the prospect of being reprimanded or, worse, not being able to offer the treatment their patients require. Some examples include a nurse at St. Paul’s hospital who contacted a local clinic to inquire if an injectable contraceptive medicine might be given to a high-risk patient. To escape discovery by the administration, a family doctor at St. Michael’s wrote a prescription for the abortion pill on paper rather than in the patient’s computerized chart. One doctor advised her patient to tell anyone who asked why they were getting their tubes tied that it was to lower their chance of ovarian cancer. This was done specifically not to mention the real reason. to avoid pregnancy.

In 2021 there were reports of mass graves of indigenous children in connection with Catholic-owned residential schools. Health care workers questioned why governments continue to fund hospitals run by this same religious group. This is one of several reasons contributing to worker and doctor dissatisfaction. Women, who now have more of a voice than before, are among those who are demanding answers. Each year, more women than men enrol in medical school. This is a trend that has held since the 1990s.

Restrictions on contraception, miscarriages, and abortion care disproportionately impair uterine health at Catholic hospitals.

The legalization of medical assistance in dying (MAID) has intensified the tensions. Doctors are increasingly realizing that advocating for their patients’ and Canadians’ health is an important aspect of their job.

Contraceptive medication and procedures are a common source of conflict between medical professionals and Catholic institutions. Contraceptive medication is often not offered in Catholic hospital pharmacies for in-patients. An exception is for a non-contraceptive purpose. IUDs and contraceptive operations are also only permitted for broader health reasons. These include preventing severe bleeding or avoiding a high-risk pregnancy following a C-section; this would be granted on a case-by-case basis. Contraceptive gatekeeping, according to health care experts, has the greatest impact on patients who engage in survival sex. This is sex in exchange for food, drugs, housing, or other fundamental needs. These patients usually only seek health care in emergency situations.

Leaving aside the violation of reproductive rights the notion that contraceptive procedures are medically required for some but not for others is a logical fallacy. Unplanned pregnancy is always more dangerous to one’s health than contraception. When it comes to sexual assault, the restrictions on contraceptive care are extremely concerning. Many Catholic hospitals do not have emergency contraception on hand for survivors of sexual assault. Patients are either transferred to another facility or external sexual-assault nurses are summoned to visit and give Plan B. For example, some assault survivors refuse to have a sexual-assault nurse examine them. This may mean they leave without receiving emergency contraception.

When it comes to abortion policies, Catholic hospitals are very consistent.

They don’t allow elective abortions or even prescriptions for abortion pills that can be filled elsewhere. However, if a woman could die or suffer harm in the time it would take to transfer her somewhere, they will authorize medically necessary terminations. If a woman is in immediate danger, health staff can make this decision. But if she isn’t, they must get clearance from the hospital ethicist and, in some cases, the local priest.

Many health care experts claim that the people who need medical assistance in dying are the ones who are most hurt by limitations at Catholic hospitals.

In Canada, Catholic hospitals don’t allow the operation, and patients can’t normally just get up and take a cab to the next hospital. Some patients have suffered as a result of Catholic health facilities’ refusal to provide MAID.

Many legal experts and health-access campaigners feel that a challenge based on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which safeguards equality and bodily autonomy, would be unsuccessful. If a patient successfully argues that restricting MAID, abortion, or other services on the premises of Catholic hospitals violates the Charter, Catholic hospitals may be forced to perform those procedures.

Individual health-care employees have the right to refuse to provide some services based on their conscience. But institutions may not have the same right. Hospitals would have to demonstrate not just that they have religious rights, but that these rights transcend patients’ rights to be treated fairly.

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Black Catholics in America Thu, 28 Apr 2022 13:21:37 +0000 Black Catholics tend to be absent from Catholic narratives, but also from discussions about the Black church. Last year, PBS…

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Black Catholics tend to be absent from Catholic narratives, but also from discussions about the Black church. Last year, PBS presented a two-part documentary hosted by Harvard University professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. Amazingly Despite using Catholic images, such as iconography from Chicago’s St. Sabina Church “The Black Church: This Is Our Story, This Is Our Song,” did not mention Black Catholics even once in its four-hour runtime. A report by Pew Research called Black Catholics in America seeks to look into the issue.

Another survey on Black Catholics, like the Pew Center’s Report is desperately required. Both are likely to be remembered as seminal works. The report from 2021 discusses topics that are particular to African-Americans. These include the function of the Black church. The outcome is a ground-breaking study that examines religion among Black Americans in a way that no other large poll has done before. Pew researchers were able to delve deeply into the diversity of the Black religious experience in the United States. They conducted analyses of groups that are often left out of such discussions; such as African immigrants, religiously unaffiliated people, and Black Catholics. This was thanks to the survey’s large, representative sample of over 8,000 respondents.

From the beginning of the project, Black Catholics were on the research team’s radar. They played a critical part in the emphasis of Black Catholic experiences, beliefs, and attitudes.

Black Catholics in America, was released on March 15 and looks at Black Catholics in the context of a larger Catholic debate.

There hasn’t been any research that does all of this at once for academics, practitioners, and people of good intent who are simply interested in learning more. It’s a very complex study.

According to a new survey, Catholicism is practiced by 6% of Black Americans. While this is a small number, it nevertheless equates to approximately 3 million Black Catholics in the United States. If the discourse about what it means to be Catholic in the United States is to be inclusive, millions of people must be involved. Furthermore, we discover from this study that 20% of Black Americans born in Sub-Saharan Africa and 15% of Black Americans born in the Caribbean identify as Catholic. But only 5% of Black Americans born in the United States do. These figures demonstrate that Black Catholics in the United States are not a homogeneous group.

Scholars, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, as well as dioceses and parishes, should look into these statistics. When ministering to Black Catholics and developing pastoral strategies, church officials must bear this in mind. Scholars, too, must incorporate this information into their work. Interestingly only 17% of Black Catholics attend a mostly Black church.

The study’s findings can and should help scholars as well as national, diocesan, and parish leaders. The large scope of the report provides data that a qualitative researcher simply couldn’t collect.

Only 41% of Black Catholics say they’ve heard a speech on race in the year leading up to the study.

Only 31% say they’d heard a speech on political engagement in the same time frame. The recent reckoning on institutional racism has proven that it is long past time for the church to consider racism as a pro-life issue. T hese findings serve as a wake-up call. 77% of Black Catholics claimed resistance to racism is vital to what being Christian means to them but only 41% said they had heard a sermon on race in the twelve months leading up to the study.

Many Black Catholics are not receiving a message at Mass that they recognize as crucial to their faith.

The majority of the data was gathered before the reckoning around systemic racism began in the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder in 2020. The numbers will lead to a loss of Black Catholics if they don’t see the church fighting for racial equality. According to the research, 46% of Black adults who were raised as Catholic no longer actually identify as such. The aforementioned gap between what Black Catholics hear at Mass and what they feel to be fundamental to being a Christian may help explain why so many Black Catholics quit the church.

The problem is made worse by the outcomes for young adults.

According to the study 46% of Black young adults in Generation Z attend religious services either seldomly or never.

The church’s credibility has already been harmed by the sex abuse epidemic, which has spanned generations. This reality, combined with Pew’s finding that nearly half of all young Black American adults attend religious services either occasionally or never, should serve as a warning to Church leaders that immediate action is required.

The United States Bishops’ Conference has been hosting “Journeying Together” meetings. These are a continuing series of activities for young adults and those who minister to them.  While this is a meaningful action aimed at young adults, it just goes out to those who are currently active in the church. Evangelization must be addressed towards young adults who are not or are only moderately involved in the church. Refusing to engage this group critically will not bode well for the long-term viability of parishes and schools.

Black Catholics in America and Faith Among Black Americans are significant steps toward ending the marginalization of Black Catholics. It gives much-needed info about Black Catholics, who are frequently left out of analyses of African-American religious attitudes and experiences, and who are underrepresented in Catholic discourse. This research is a call to action for both academics and church leaders. It demonstrates that, like the rest of the church, Black Catholics are not a homogeneous group. The church’s future hinges on our ability to minister and develop policies based on a deeper grasp of this.

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Catholicism and social movements Sat, 12 Feb 2022 13:25:23 +0000 One of the most difficult tasks facing any intelligent Catholic is evaluating secular social movements and causes. Especially those whose…

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One of the most difficult tasks facing any intelligent Catholic is evaluating secular social movements and causes. Especially those whose leaders frequently make true judgments about society’s moral shortcomings. You may discover that your inherent desire for justice is stimulated but that there are other issues involved.

Being a devout Catholic in an age of political tribalism is difficult.

It is easy to be drawn to certain viewpoints and positions. Usually merely because it appears like the wrong people hold the opposing ones.

Maybe if Donald Trump had supported mask mandates in April 2020 some would have likely labeled the policy fascist. Especially if right-wing entrepreneurs had started manufacturing and hawking masks with images of American flags and guns on them. 

But what should a conscientious person do when their natural desire to see justice done is tempered by substantial doubts about the moralities of it? In the example of the #MeToo movement it is undoubtedly a noble goal but falls short of addressing core causes. Critical race theory is a concept that provides an explanation for ongoing social injustice. However it contrasts with other long-held Catholic social teaching principles.

Catholics should offer support, encouragement, care, and guidance to these victims of sexual assault and harassment.

There’s a key lesson in that the church has had to learn in the aftermath of its own abuse crisis. People in positions of power who are not moderated by legal scrutiny, societal custom, or acquired virtue are unlikely to treat those over whom they have influence with dignity and respect. Catholics however believe that sex is sacred. They believe it is not treated with respect by a popular culture which renders it as just another transaction.

There is a trend that has sprung up among some parents. It is as a result of disagreements over public school curricula that deal with race relations. Democratic nominee Terry McAuliffe said that he didn’t think that parents should be instructing schools on what they should teach. He said this during one of Virginia’s governorship debates in 2021. He was alluding to parents who spoke out against curricula regarding critical race theory.

Critical race theory is a social philosophy. It claims that the legal application of traditional and long-held liberal beliefs cannot eliminate systemic racism. American institutions were founded on white supremacy. As they are irredeemably racist in their composition they need complete reform.

Many Catholics grew up under the influence of the traditional civil rights narrative.

The civil rights movement’s main accomplishment was to extend help those who had been unjustly denied them from the start. For these parents, racial justice is achieved through the application of traditional liberal ideals.

Catholics hearing about critical race theory for the first time can be rather taken aback. It can explain why people’s reactions are sometimes so visceral. Nobody likes it when they’re long held beliefs are actually no longer relevant.

Critical race theory, however illustrates that a legal system is is only as good as the institutions that enforce it. Pope Francis points out that some people are citizens with full rights; however they can still be considered as outsiders in their own country.

Catholics may not be guilty of bad intent. The traditions, underlying beliefs, and inherited prejudices could very well be sources of injustice however. It is possible for the church to absorb what is good from critical race theory. All the while not jeopardizing Catholic moral theology.

Evaluating the legitimacy and defects of secular social movements and causes can be hard if you’re Catholic. Especially when it differs from teachings and belief systems. It is a lot easier to simply accept the statements of one’s political or religious group without question.

For the sake of our common good, we owe each other to look at things from every angle before passing judgement.

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